Eric Limkemann

Nationality: USA
Hometown: Richmond, VA
Born: 1981
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 165 lbs
Discipline: Pro Ironman Triathlete


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Career Highlights

1st 2013-14 Rev3 Pro Series Champion
1st Challenge Florida
1st Challenge New Albany
1st Rev3 Half Full
1st Rev3 Williamsburg
1st Challenge New Albany
3rd Rev3 Maine
3rd Rev3 Florida
4th Rev3 Branson
4th Ironman Mont Tremblant
4th Ironman Chattanooga
4th Ironman 70.3 Raleigh
4th Rev3 Knoxville
4th Rev3 Cedar Point
5th Ironman 70.3 Eagleman
2007 USAT Rookie of the Year

  • What are your favorite hobbies?

When I’m not training, I’m an avid reader and spend quite a bit of time with my feet up and a good book. Lately I’ve pretty tied up with raising my daughter and Sesame Street seems to have become a default hobby.

  • How did you get your start in triathlon?

When I graduated from Pitt in 2004, I still needed a competitive outlet. Going for the Olympics didn’t make sense from a swimming standpoint and I was always a pretty decent runner so I thought I’d try my hand at Triathlon. Despite it being a pretty ugly affair, I was hooked after the first one.

  • What is your favorite discipline of the three?

Most people would think I prefer swimming, but I’ve had my time in the pool and am only going to get slower from when I was competing in college. I’ve developed my bike into a strength in the past years, but honestly my favorite discipline is the run. I have the most improvement ahead of me on the run and feeling like a natural ‘runner’ is such a rare experience for me that I really enjoy it!

  • What is your favorite race of the year?

I’ve had various races throughout the year that I considered my ‘favorite’ at one time or another, but it seems the first race of the season always has a place near the top. After a long off-season, the rush of the start line is incredible.

  • What has been the best moment of your career so far?

The best moment of my career was when I wrapped up the Rev3 series in 2014. My daughter had just been born and life was a bit chaotic. Winning the series not only was a big payday, but it represented the reward for quite a bit of hard work. Being able to afford diapers was a huge plus as well!

  • What will be your first race in 2016, and what are your big goal races?

My first race will be Galveston 70.3 in April. I will be using it as a tune up for Ironman Texas in May, which is my #1 priority for the first part of the season. If I can pull off the race that I know I’m capable of, I will be in a solid position to make a run for Kona in October. It’s a big year ahead!

  • What was your first impression of Alto during your maiden ride on the new wheels?

The first ride on Alto wheels was pretty eye opening. I’m sure I was under a bit of the ‘new toy’ spell, but I really noticed a difference in the way the Dimond handled. I did a direct comparison between my old race wheels with the same tires/tubes and was able to notice a solid, more predictable ride with Alto. I’m a bigger guy for a cyclist and having the ability to transfer my power to the road and corner on rails is pretty awesome.

  • Why does your equipment selection play an important role in training and racing? How does a stiffer a smoother riding wheel set help in triathlon?

I’m pretty picky when it comes to equipment since each second can add up over the course of an Ironman. I’ve worked hard to get the best equipment and maximize my chances on race day. From tires and pressure up to tweaking positioning and form, I’m always looking to squeeze the extra 1% out of my abilities. Having wheels that I can depend on when pushing the limits allows me to stay in the zone and keep pushing. Even though many Ironman courses aren’t super technical, being able to descend and corner at speed is essential to staying off the front all day long.

  • What is your ultimate career goal?

Like any long course athlete, I’d love to make a name at Kona but I try to set goals that are a bit more objective and self-controlled. At the end of my career, I would like to be able to say I’ve successfully fulfilled my athletic potential and executed my ideal race. In theory, that race will last less than 8 hours.