Warranty Terms and Conditions

  • All models are designed and tested by Alto and have no rider weight limit
  • All models include a five year warranty for all manufacturing defects. Wheels must be returned to Alto for individual parts to be replaced as needed. All warranty shipping costs will be covered by Alto.
  • Crashes, normal wear, and using products outside of what they were designed for (like jumping off a ramp and through a flaming hoop) are not covered by the Alto warranty. Crash replacements will be available at a 40% discount upon receiving the damaged products.
  • All carbon rim brake models from 2018 until present will come with SwissStop Black Prince pads, but any carbon specific brake pad may be used without voiding the warranty. This does not apply to the Alto CT311 or CC311, which should be used with the supplied brake pads.
  • All rim brake models are designed for use with a 24mm to 30mm tire. Disc brake cyclocross models are designed for use with tires between 24mm and 60mm. A 23mm tire may be used. Any tire narrower than 23mm should not be used on Alto rims, and will void the warranty.
  • All wheels should use NSK DDU bearings in the hub shells and freehub body. Rim brake wheels with the latest 2017 axle design also have the option to use Kogel ceramic bearings. All bearings can be sourced locally or through Alto. If another bearing is used, Alto will not be held responsible for damage caused to the product or injuries sustained by the rider.
  • Under no circumstances are Alto wheels to be unbuilt and sold as individual parts. Dealers are only to sell Alto wheel sets built by our qualified builders.
  • Custom wheel builders will have specific permission by Alto to purchase individual parts for their own assembly. These parts are to be built by the custom builder and not by any third party.